
FAND II, Destinies, Ch.10

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Chapter 10. Milk

The goat looked up at Pyre with liquid intelligent eyes. Over the last two days, the goat and Pyre had spent a good bit of time together.  Petran was awake, but his weak stomach could not tolerate food yet. Goat’s milk stayed down and he seemed to be gaining strength. Uncle Wert had been so focused on Petran’s recovery he had given little thought to Fand. This was fortunate. But, soon, he would have to be told his niece was not in quarantine but missing.  Poor Uncle Wert.

Leaned against the stall wall, was Rufus. He said, “Are ye gonna get on with it, or just make goo goo eyes at the goat?”

Pyre didn’t respond. Never had he had the inconvenience of being under constant survellience. It was truly annoying. He placed the bucket beneath the goat and gave her teats a quick tug. The sound of warm hissing milk always soothed him. It reminded him of home. Plus, each cup of milk Petran consumed brought him one step closer to restoration. And Petran must be restored. Uncle Wert could not loose Petran and Fand at the same time. If he did, Pyre was sure, he would spend the rest of his days in a drunken stupor. When the goat’s udder was empty, Pyre picked up the bucket. He cupped the goat’s face with is free hand and said, “Thanks old girl.” All the sudden he felt himself being sucked into the darkness. For whatever reason, he grabbed hold of goat and maintained his grip on the pail despite the fact Rufus made a lunge at him. The blasted Guard latched onto his waist so tightly Pyre couldn't breath.  The winds of Transferrance whipped around them.  The goat gave out a terrible bleat. Rufus screamed like a girl. Pyre maintained his grip on the pail.  He closed his eyes and began to pray. Who had them? Was it for good or evil?  Keeper, Rufus was going to cut him in half if he held on any tighter. Finally they stopped falling.

Pyre opened his eyes. They were high up on a ledge. All around them the sky was pure unclouded blue. Below the sky was a mountain range. It was unfamiliar. These were no mountains he had ever studied before. An icy wind was blowing. The air was thin. Where were they? Rufus still clung to him and the goat had begun to squirm. The milk in the bucket, by some miracle was still there. From behind him a woman’s voice called his name. He told Rufus, “Let go of me you sod!” Rufus did not let go. Pyre put the goat and bucket down and then disentangled himself from Rufus. He turned. A door was open in the side of  the mountain. The goat went inside and was met by Renate. At her feet a candle flickered. In a low voice she said, “I have called you here. I need your help.” She picked up the candle and blew it out.

Alarmed Pyre asked, “Have your contractions started?”


“Shouldn’t you have sent for Loren?”

“No. He is needed where he is.”

Pyre stepped forward and took a good look at her. He did not like what he saw. She was so pale. “You must get back in bed.”

She did not speak, she only nodded. Rufus went to her and gently scooped her up. Pyre retrieved the pail of milk and followed them through the door. The instant they were inside the opening snapped shut. With care,  Rufus put her in one of the strange beds and covered her.

Placing the milk on the cupboard Pyre asked,  “How far apart are your contractions?”

“I am not sure. The pain makes me loose count.” She reached out her hand for Pyre. Swiftly he went to her and took it. Her fingers were so cold. With effort she said,  “You can do this. You have helped in the birthing of many animals, a woman is little different from a cow.”
Pyre did not argue, though he was certain a woman was very different than a cow.

Renate continued, “When the baby comes if it has wing buds, you will give the baby to Fand, to take it to the land where wings are not a danger. If it does not have wings, you will take it to Loren. Promise me.”

“But what of you?”

Renate said, “I do not expect to survive this birth. I am too old. My heart is unsteady inside me. You know what you have to do to pull a living calf from a dead mother don’t you?”

Pyre nodded.

“Promise me that you will do the same for me.”

It was a grisly promise. Something that he had not liked doing to a cow much less a woman. Oh Keeper this was bad.

Renate looked into his eyes. He saw her pain and her fear and he knew why she had not called Loren, because she did not want her son to see her die or be forced to rip life from her.  He whispered, “I promise.”

“Thank. Zog’s child must live.”

Zog's child? This was Zog's child. He managed to stammer, “Y-yes, indeed and perhaps you will too.”

Renate did not respond. She turned her eyes to the table beside the bed. “I have all you will need for the birthing prepared. Fand will be back soon. You must tell her what is happening. I can’t.” A spasm seized Renate’s body.

Rufus swore under his breath.

Gently Pyre said, “Breath slow like this. It will help with the pain. Stay in the moment and ride out the wave.” Once his father had told him, “A creature knows how to go about a birthing. Accepts the process and stays focused on the moment. Not a like a woman breathing all fast and wild, fearing the next pain.”

The contraction passed and Renate’s body relaxed. She said, “You would make a good midwife Pyre.”

Though he did not say so aloud, he prayed he would. He must. He refused to accept that Renate was right about her own passing.
A screeching sound rent the air. Rufus  drew his sword. The cupboard slid sideways revealing a doorway. Fand came through the door.  Pyre was not prepared for the sight of her.  His mouth dropped opened. Her wings had grown to magnificent proportions. They looked exactly like the angel wings he had seen in his Origin of Faith text. Her eyes met his. He felt the pull of her. She ran to him. He didn’t know how to hug her with her huge wings. She buried her face in his shoulder and said, “I am so thankful you are here.”

Awkwardly Pyre slipped his arms around her neck. She was so close, so very close. She smelled different. It was her feathers. They tickled his nose and danced around his face.

She pulled away from him and asked, “What are you doing  here?” Her eyes strayed from Pyre to Renate, then back to Pyre. She didn’t ask any more questions. She knew.  
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